Vision for Life
Lifetime vision enhancement plan for peace of mind.
Lifetime vision enhancement plan for peace of mind.
The Lifetime Vision Plan is Barnet Dulaney Perkins’ commitment to maintaining your highest quality of vision throughout a lifetime. Our surgeons are so confident in the stability of our patients’ results over time that we offer the Lifetime Vision plan.
If at any time you experience changes in your vision and a laser enhancement is considered medically advisable, participating patients are eligible for the procedure with an eligible American Vision Partners surgeon at no charge.
You are eligible if you are in good general eye health are qualified by an American Vision Partners provider. Your initial laser eye treatment must be performed by an eligible American Vision Partners surgeon. To maintain eligibility in the Lifetime Vision Plan, you must obtain annual eye exams from a qualified vision provider. Our team will provide detailed eligibility requirements during one of your pre-surgey appointments.
Eligible patients can enroll in the Lifetime Vision Plan by purchasing it from an American Vision Partners provider prior to receiving their laser correction procedure. Patients must sign the Lifetime Vision Plan acknowledgment stating they understand the conditions of the program.
While our enhancement rate is low (about 2%, lower than the national average), we understand that an investment in your vision can still be daunting. It’s important to note that enhancements are included for one year with LASIK or PRK, even without opting into Vision for Life.
Our Vision for Life plan is meant to provide peace of mind for patients, particularly our younger patients who may be more likely to need an enhancement outside of that one year.
Many LASIK centers may try to sell you on cheap LASIK. The truth is that in most of these cases, the cost they advertise is not realistic to what is actually charged or the price applies to very few people. At Barnet Dulaney Perkins, the cost of your procedure will never go up based on your prescription.
Our experienced ophthalmologists provide safe, consistent results for patients. Because our team is specialized in all types of vision correction procedures, you will never feel pressured to have LASIK. Our talented team will be able to help you find the procedure that fits best into your eyes’ needs and your lifestyle.